Thursday, August 22, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research Paper Example In this brief research, the researcher wanted to find ways the various factors that influenced reasons for disobeying basic traffic regulations. To simplify the data collection process and make the entire project simplified, the researcher came up with a hypothesis, which the data collection and findings of the research sought to justify. The hypothesis was that â€Å"the degree to which car drivers conform to traffic regulations depends on the gender of the driver and on the presence of passengers.† To this effect, the researcher selected one particular junction at the heart of the city where a traffic light operated. The data collection procedure included the use of both observation and interview. Through the interview, it was observed that more males broke the traffic rules as compared to females. Further interview showed that the situation existed out of impunity. This is to say that most people broke traffic rules because in most cases there were no authorities to enforce the law. Introduction Traffic laws are in place basically to ensure sanity on our roads and avoid road carnage. This notwithstanding, not many drivers obey basic traffic rules (Gardener, 2009). Most often than not, drivers are seen jumping the traffic. They do this by cross their way through even when the traffic light signals for them to stop. Again, it has been noticed that not most drivers would break the traffic rule by stopping when they are not to. The researcher has a strong conviction that there are a number of factors that are responsible for the creation of this basic problem. In the estimation of the researcher, a major factor that will influence such as situation has to do with the degree of courage a driver would have that even if he beats the red light, he or she will not run into other cars. Because of this assertion, the researcher holds the hypothesis that male drivers are the worse offenders of traffic rules. Again, the passenger make up of a car would contribute to traffic law irregularities. Method The research design designed by the researcher was a survey research design. This means that the researcher selected a very large sample size and generalized the results with what prevails in all other areas. There was a specific setting for data collection and this was New Jersey. This means that are was a level of confounding where the researcher did not have to deal with people from other parts of the State. On the sampling technique, the researcher adapted the use of random sampling technique, where no specific groups of people were targeted. The approach of the researcher was to record the gender of the first one hundred (100) drivers who committed various traffic offenses at the 4 way intersection. The hundred people were therefore to constitute the sample size of the researcher. Not aware of the possible number of drivers who may conduct various traffic offenses in a day, the researcher gave himself up to five days to collect data. If he gathered one hundred (100) offenders before the first days, he would not proceed with the data collection and vice versa. Generally, the researcher used observation as a major primary data collection approach. However, in order to make the data analysis and discussion easier, the researcher went ahead to interview some drivers in the traffic lane as to why they would possibly break traffic regulations. Results and discussion The results from the data collecti

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